Paris Photo 2019
Stand B12
Grand Palais, Paris
This year at Paris Photo, Jean-Kenta Gauthier?s presentation is divided into 2 main sections.
The first section, entitled ?try poetry?, offers a focus on works addressing the relation between text and photography, with one full month (31 elements from January 2019) from Daniel Blaufuks? personal diary entitled ?The Days Are Numbered? (2018-ongoing) as well as a large size cibachrome print from ?Attempting Exhaustion? (2016-2019) - an extended project built in relation with the eponymous text by French author Georges Perec -, Raphaël Dallaporta?s new ?8 September? (2019) installation based on the artist?s performance of placing commemorative plaques 75 years after the launch of the first missile targetting Paris, a poem in 10 photographs and words by JH Engström (?Towards Light?, 2019) as well as a large size photograph from ?Haunts? series (2006) in which the repetition of the word ?poetry? reads as ?try poetry?, a typewritten processed 8x10 in. negative in lightbox by Ethan Levitas from his ?Preambles? (2016) series as well as a selection of stunning prints from the artist?s ?In Advance of a Broken Arm? (2010) project.
The second section offers a selection of works by artists from the gallery program including compositions of slides from Daniel Blaufuks? latest project ?Original Copy (slides)? (2019), Raphaël Dallaporta?s full set of 48 mathematical objects as cyanotypes over platinum-palladium prints (?Covariance?, 2015), a group of early cibachrome prints and a large size silkscreen on canvas by Daido Moriyama, a selection of vintage gelatin silver prints on Emak paper from Anders Petersen?s historical ?Café Lehmitz? (1967-1970) series, and a composition of solarized gelatin silver prints from Daisuke Yokota?s ?Inversion? (2015) project.
This year, our booth was conceived with the help of Paris-based architects Stéphanie Fabre et Éric Gillet, and the lightning system is provided by Thierry d?Oliveira Reis and his team.
If you are not able to join us at Paris Photo this year and would like more information about the works presented on our booth, please contact info@jeankentagauthier.com.