Stéphanie Solinas
Stéphanie Solinas trained in photography at the École Nationale Supérieure Louis Lumière and has a doctorate in Fine Arts. She explores the thinking at work in the very act of 'seeing' and the weaving together of the visible and the invisible, science and belief, and the dynamic between self and other that shapes our identities. Her field of investigation spans the 19th to the 21st centuries, from the birth of photography to artificial intelligence.
Since 2014, Stéphanie Solinas has been working on a series of projects mapping identities, between materialism and transcendence. She anchors her research in 3 chosen fields: Iceland, Italy and the United States, bringing out 3 series of works - Le Pourquoi Pas? [The Why Not?], L'Inexpliqué [The Unexplained] and Devenir soi-même [Becoming oneself].
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