Paris Photo 2022
Daniel Blaufuks,
Raphaël Dallaporta,
JH Engström,
Capucine Gros,
Mishka Henner,
David Horvitz,
Alfredo Jaar,
Ethan Levitas,
Daido Moriyama,
Hanako Murakami,
Anders Petersen,
Stéphanie Solinas,
Daisuke Yokota
Real Pictures
Grand Palais Éphémère, Paris, France
November 10, 2022 - November 13, 2022
Grand Palais Éphémère
Champ-de-Mars, Paris 75007
Opening hours:
Thur - Sat, 1pm - 8 pm
Sun, 1pm - 7pm
Real Pictures: An invitation to imagine
For Paris Photo 2022, we are particularly pleased to present Real Pictures : An Invitation to Imagine.
A group exhibition for which each artist conceals, describes, repeats or suggests images - questioning memory, history, space, the world - to convoke fundamental aspects of photography and trigger imagination in the viewer?s mind.
The title pays tribute to Alfredo Jaar and his historical Real Pictures (1995) project.